Supporting NGOs

For almost twenty years, The ECI Campaign is being supported by an increasing number of NGOs from all over Europe who support our demands for a democratic and citizen-friendly ECI.


ACEP (Alliance avec les Chrétiens en Politique)
AEGEE-Europe (European Students Forum)
AEUYCO (Azerbaijan - European Union Youth Cooperation Organisation)
Asociatia Pro Democratia (APD)
Atelier pour la Démocratie Directe
Balkan Assist Association
Blowing Bubbles
Bulgarian Association for the Promotion of Citizens Initiative (BSNGI)
Centre of Ecological Education
Centrum Edukacji Obywatelskiej (Centre For Citizenship Education)
Charter88 – Unlock Democracy
Children of the Earth
Citizens of Europe
Civic Alliance Latvia
Clean air nederland (can)
Confrontations Europe
Democracy International (Meer Democratie Belgium)
DIUC (Society of Democratic Reforms)
DWARS - GroenLinkse Jongerenorganisatie (The Dutch GreenLeft Youth Organisation)
Eiropas Kustība Latvijā (European Movement Latvia)
Európai Értékekért Alapítvány (Foundation for European Values, Hungary)
Europe Maintenant
Europe of Cultures Forum
Europe United
European Federation of Christian Student Associations EKV
European Federation of Unpaid Parents and Carers at Home (F.E.F.A.F.)
European Forum for Freedom in Education
European Liberal Youth (LYMEC)
European Movement International
Europeans Throughout the World
European Union Federation of Youth Hostel Associations (EUFED)
European Volunteer Centre
European Youth Forum
Euros du Village
EUX.TV - the Europe channel
Fédération des Etudiants Libéraux
Federation of Young European Greens (FYEG)
Forum voor Democratische Ontwikkeling (Forum for Democratic Development)
Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Obywatelskiego
Générations Europe
Generation Europe Czech Republic
Greek Youthnet
ID's - Information Diffusion Europe Associations
Initiative & Referendum Institute Europe
Initiative Européenne et Sociale
Instituut voor Maatschappelijke Innovatie
International Falcon Movement - Socialist Educational International
International Federation of Liberal Youth (IFLRY)
International Movement of Catholic Agricultural and Rural Youth (MIJARC)
Irish Youth Council
Jeunes Européens France (JEF France)
Jeunes MR
Jong Groen!
Jong Spirit
Jonge Democraten (JD)
Jongeren Milieu Aktief (JMA)
Jonge Socialisten (JS)
Junge Europäische Bewegung Berlin Brandenburg e.V. (Young European Movement Berlin-Brandenburg)
Junge Europäische Föderalisten Deutschland e.V. (JEF Germany)
Kids Globe
La Vie Nouvelle
League of Ecological Alternatives Sever
Liberális Fiatalok Egyesülete (LiFE)
Mehr Demokratie
Merlin Európai Tájékoztató és Kulturális Központ (Merlin European Information and Cultural Centre)
Mladi Liberali
Movimento di Partecipazione
National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux
New Europe
New Politics Network
NZS AP w Krakowie (Independent Student Association of Pedagogical University Cracow)
Our Say
Permanent Forum of European Civil Society
PerspectieF (ChristenUnie-jongeren)
Planta Humanis
Polish Schuman Foundation
Polish Youth Council
Red Ciudadanas de Europa (Women Citizens of Europe Network, RCE)
Sauvons l’Europe
Stichting Agora Europa (Agora Europe Foundation)
Stichting Socires (Socires Foundation)
Transnational Institute
UEF-Belgium (Union of European Federalists)
Védegylet (Protect the Future! Society)
Vereniging voor Natuur- en Milieueducatie (IVN)
VITA Europe
York European Society
Young European Socialists (ECOSY)
Young European Swiss

Total: 105 and more! Let us know if your NGO wants to join as well.