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ECI ‘End the Cage Age’ takes the European Commission to Court for Lack of Follow-up

The European Commission is being taken to the European Court of Justice (CJEU) by the Citizens’ Committee of the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) “End the Cage Age” for failing to fulfill its promise to phase out cages in animal farming. This initiative is the first successful ECI that the European Commission pledged to fully implement. In 2021, the Commission promised to present a proposal to abolish cage farming by the end of 2023. However, it retreated under pressure from the European meat industry and agroindustry, as revealed by investigative journalists.

Numerous pro-democracy organizations have expressed their concerns in a public letter to Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, stating that this broken commitment undermines the ECI instrument and the democratic principles of the EU. Following this, a complaint was filed with the European Ombudsman in November 2023. Ultimately, on March 16 2024, the ECI brought the case to the CJEU.

Olga Kikou, the representative of the citizens’ committee of “End the Cage Age”, said: “The European Commission has disappointed the 1.4 million Europeans who supported the Initiative. This delay is unacceptable. It means that despite citizens’ asks, hundreds of millions of hens, rabbits, pigs, calves, ducks, quail and geese continue will continue to suffer in cages across the EU every year.”

The anticipated review of animal welfare laws, including rules on slaughter and animal welfare labeling, was part of the EU’s Farm to Fork Strategy. Commission Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič cited the technical complexity of the work as the reason for the delay, leaving it to the next Commission to address these issues.

The outcome of this case is crucial for the future of the instrument of the European citizens’ initiative as such. Citizens might become more reluctant to make use of this instrument, if it appears that the Commission does not stick to its commitments. The upcoming elections will also be a window of opportunity to remind the Commission of its obligations vis-à-vis the citizens who have endorsed this ECI.

For more background, please also consult the statement of Dr. Carsten Berg, Director of The ECI Campaign and the Association for the ECI e.V.

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